Ayush Lohani

I'm a Creative

[Āyuṣa lōhanī] Ayush Lohani is a high school student born on July 21, 2009, in Nepal's Jhapa, with an undeniable passion for programming and an insatiable appetite for literary masterpieces. Immersed in the worlds of "A Song of Ice and Fire," "To Kill a Mockingbird," "One Piece," "Vinland Saga," "Book Lovers," and "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Ayush's reading list reflects a diverse and deep appreciation for storytelling. Growing up in a religious and culturally rich family, Ayush values traditions and follows Sanatan Dharma, while also harboring a deep love for philosophy. Creative and innovative, Ayush finds solace in quiet places, often engrossed in the melodies of music or lost in the strategic moves of a chess game. With talents that extend to musical instruments like the madal and guitar, Ayush's curiosity leads to exploration, be it in literature, music, or understanding the intricacies of life. Alongside these pursuits, Ayush holds a soft spot for animals, particularly dogs and cats, embodying a well-rounded individual whose inquisitive nature continues to shape a unique and enriching journey.